Multimedia Design, Production & Consulting
My Approach to Design
I became certified in Human Centered Design through the LUMA Institute, I also studied a great deal of design theory and practice in high school, in my Bachelor's and my Master's programs.
I utilize a blend of tools and methods between Human Centered Design by LUMA and Design Thinking developed by IDEO.
I use tools and methods derived from both design styles and processes to create my designs.
I believe design is messy and most people only see 10% of the clean designs. I believe in the Share Out / Share Often Method. SFDs and more.
Before any solutions are explored, I find research is key. It is important to put my analyst/researcher hat on in order to understand the problem, empathy is key in this research.
Research can be obtained via:
Problem Definition
Using the previous empathetic learning process, I can better understand the issue. I can work to defining the issue, by finding the root issue.
Basically, you can't define the problem without research. At this point we ask ourselves "How might we..." to move into the ideation phase.
Create ideas through divergent thinking exercises.
Take these ideas using input from all members of the project to create a large list to choose from.
The key in this step is getting an ideal notetaker and a facilitator. My role is to create a space where ideas can be shared in an open forum, introduce concepts and different approaches to problem solving.
Now that we have the ideas, it's time to create. We initially create low fidelity prototypes so that we can put the ideas in front of people and gain insight and empathetic feedback. We want to know where to focus, and do so in an agile method.
Make Stuff.
A digital system can be prototyped using very analog methods.
This is one of my favorite parts of the design thinking and human centered design. I have many skills that I can provide to a team for prototyping or even building a number of later itterations.
Once our prototypes are created we want to put the prototypes in front of people and gather empathetic and quantitative feedback, so that we can further define the prototypes and evolve ideas. It is important to capture data and obtain information critical to evolution. Whent
Itteritive Design
At this point we can look to solve another issue or further refine based off of the testing results.