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Hi! This is a list of different links. Some are references for me, some for others and all are to share. 


Now that you learned about me, link up with learning about the Professional side of things >

I am not on there much contributing but drop me a line we can connect.
Some stuff I designed.
Venmo - incase you need to pay me or vice versa
My Threadless artist shop
The program that taught flawless consulting
UI Element Names for Designers
A nice write up on the UX design process
Booking tool
See Patents Awarded to me.
A kit used by IDEO for Design Thinking Excercise
I dig trading cards and other art. Sometimes I need to sell some to fuel my obsession with new stuff. I also sell some limited prints here too.
Practice of Design Thinking I have been disciplined in.
More UX Tools and Techniques.
Institute where I received certification in Human Centered Design.
Visual depiction of various UX Laws - Good Resource.
  • LinkedIn
  • Behance
  • My Artist Shop
  • My Adobe Stock Site
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